The primary reason GOD will say "not now" when you want to have or do something is simply because it is not DO time. “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due (do) time (1 Peter 5:6).” This scripture is a great life lesson for those who have a strong desire in their heart to do something, like building a business, but are struggling to get the help or recognition they need from GOD.
Two thirds of GOD’s name spelled forward is GO and two thirds of GOD’s name spelled backward is DO. Every instruction from GOD contains the components: GO and DO. The reason you were given life is because GOD needed you to GO and DO something that only YOU can do. HE placed a strong desire to do it in your heart and sent you here to get it done. If GOD sent you to do something, HE is going to give you all the power and provision you need to successfully complete that mission. If you feel like you have the provision (knowledge, gift, talent or ability) to “make” it happen but do not feel like you are getting the support of GOD’s power, it is simply because it is not the right time. You can have the provision and the power to do a thing but timing is everything. This is why you must be humble and wait.
Contrary to contemporary religious understanding, the word “humble” does not mean to make yourself appear to be lowly or pious. It means “to put aside what YOU want to do and do what GOD would have you to do.” Again, GOD sent you here to “do” something. HE placed that desire in your heart (Psalm 37:4). However, there is an appointed time for you to do it that will be right to achieve the success that you want (Psalm 37:5-7). You may want to run out and “make it happen” in YOUR time, when YOU feel it is right, but GOD has an appointed time. Therefore, it is critical to the completion or fulfillment of your LIFE mission that you put aside what you want to do and WAIT until GOD releases you to do it.
While you are waiting for GOD to release you HE will be hiding you under HIS mighty hand. This waiting period is what I call “the mean time”. While you are waiting it will seem like GOD is being mean. It will seem like all the negative forces in the world are coming against you. The fact is, they are! That is because they have heard you “speak” your desire into the universe and are trying to stop you. So, in the mean time, while you are waiting for GOD to release you, remain pregnant with the expectation of what you want GOD to do for you.
Now, when a woman is expecting a child does she just sit around and wait for the baby to come? No, she gets busy preparing for the baby’s arrival. The word “wait” actually means to “serve” like a waiter in a restaurant. Ergo, “in the mean time”, as you WAIT on GOD, be busy serving GOD in preparation of your expectation. At the appointed time, GOD will exalt or lift you into the light to DO what HE created you to do.
“And he [Jesus] said unto them: How is it that you sought me? Didn’t you know that I must be about my Father's business (Luke 2:49)?”
The thing you were sent in the earth or given birth to do has two applications: fulfillment of created purpose and creation of successful business. This is why a man like TD Jakes is able to fulfill his created purpose as a preacher and utilize the same power that GOD gave him to preach to operate “several” successful businesses.
In order to raise up a powerful business you must raise capital to both make it grow and to fight off your competitors. Think of dollars as the soldiers in your army. The key to eliminating you as a competitor is to kill your business while it is weak, still a baby or undercapitalized. This is why GOD had to hide Jesus in Egypt until He was strong enough to stand on His own. Thus, you must “build your army in secret”. While Bishop Jakes was preaching and writing books he had the desire in his heart to make a movie but he had to keep that quiet. The Hollywood gatekeepers would have used the power in their dollars to keep him from entering that arena. Therefore, he quietly amassed an army of dollars to both develop and defend his movies.
Building your army in secret means to raise up a cadre of dollars or enough capital to become strong. Business is an Art of War! War is about capturing territory and eliminating the enemy. Business is about capturing market share by eliminating the competition. Thus, you must build an army to defend your business before your competitors realize you are there and recognize that you have already captured a part of their market share. They will see you there but will blow you off as insignificant until they realize that you have become a major force in the market. By then it will be too late for them to try to defeat you economically without taking food out of the mouths of their family.
GOD hid David out among the sheep. Goliath had no clue who David was until his head was coming off. GOD will hide you until HE is ready for you to do something powerful too. Therefore, if it feels like GOD is saying no to your desire or is not helping you: humble yourself under the mighty hand of GOD and HE will exalt you in DO time.
Concepts like these on how to become wealthy using the Power of GOD in business are explained more fully in my book Money Does Grow on Trees at http://www.moneydoesgrow.com/.
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