Thursday, April 5, 2012

Changing Your Money Requires a Change of Mind

This blog is NOT intended to sell you but to serve you.

Money Does Grow on Trees is a book that was written with people like you in mind. I used to give briefings to Congress, Senators, Generals, etc. After one of those briefings General Colon Powell advised: "Don't be afraid to challenge the experts."

The experts don't realize that they have been conditioned to keep you and me in our social and financial condition. In order to get out of our current position and financial condition we must ignore the experts and avoid the status quo. In order to get out of the financial condition of the 99%, we have to start thinking like the 1%.

You cannot change your money until you first change your mind. Wealth is NOT a social position or financial condition. Wealth is a state of mind. Having the knowledge and mindset of the 1% is one of the keys to changing your current position and becoming wealthy.

There is no QUICK way to make a change of mental condition. You have to work to fill your mind with the RIGHT knowledge needed to make that transformation.

Wealthy people like Donald Trump (who would be considered an expert because he is already wealthy) will NEVER give you the right knowledge. Wealthy experts write books which only provide boilerplate information that everyone already knows. Operating on that information is precisely what keeps the 99% stuck where they are.

Those who really want to change their financial condition must ignore the experts. They must avoid doing what everyone else thinks they should do which is following advice of the experts. Rather, they must do what most people are unwilling to do. That is, seek to find the right sources of information that will provide the knowledge that they ACTUALLY need to know in order to get where they want to be.

You will find a great preview of Money Does Grow on Trees at

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Wealth Building Principles for Business

Every business needs a plan to lead it to its ultimate goals as well as a compass to guide it by moral principles. While it is important for a business to reach its destination, how it gets there is more important. Every business therefore must have information in its guiding document that reminds the owners or operators to put moral principles first. This will keep a business balanced on a moral center as well as ensure its economic success.

Every company that diligently operated on the universal moral wealth building principles has grown to become a Fortune 500 Corporation. It does not matter whether one is a sinner or saint the moral wealth building principles will work for whoever diligently works them.

Read Matthew 5:45 and/or Luke 16:8 for Bible substantiation of that statement.

The wealthy diligently work the wealth building principles to establish an inheritance for their children’s children. This is the primary reason why 1% of people in America have 80% of the wealth while the 99% struggle financially. The 99% complain bitterly that the 1% possess a majority of the wealth but never stop to think about how they got it.

Those who want to prosper personally or in business must learn to operate in these principles. Some of the moral wealth building principles are: authority, agreement, sow & reap (investment & reward), stewardship, organization, etc.

Please visit to get my book Money Does Grow on Trees where you will find all of the principles and how each of them works to produce wealth.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective people is the award winning book by Steven R. Covey that helps us recognize the things that we do or don’t do that prevent us from achieving our goals and dreams. It helps us to recognize the only reason we are failing is because we unconsciously set ourselves up for failure and provides a means to reverse that process.

Habit 1: Highly effective people are proactive
Your life doesn't just "happen". Your life is carefully designed by you. Every situation that you encounter presents a new choice and gives you a perfect opportunity to do things differently from the past and to produce more positive results in your life. Being proactive is about taking responsibility for your life. Highly effective people don’t blame their family or environment for the current state of their life. Proactive people recognize that they are responsible. They don't blame genetics, circumstances, conditions, or conditioning. They know that their own choices determine the course and shape the events of their life.

Habit 2: Highly effective people begin with the end in mind
Beginning with the end in mind requires imagination--the ability to envision in your mind what you cannot at present see with your eyes. It is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There is first a mental creation and second a physical creation. The physical creation follows the mental, just as a building follows a blueprint. If you don't make a conscious effort to visualize who you are and what you want in life, then you will empower other people and circumstances to shape you and your life by default. It's about connecting again with your own uniqueness and then defining the personal, moral, and ethical guidelines within which you can most happily express and fulfill yourself. Begin with the End in Mind means to begin each day, task, or project with a clear vision of your desired direction and destination, and then continue by flexing your proactive muscles to make things happen.

Habit 3: Highly effective people put first things first
Habit 1 or being proactive is about choice. Habit 2 is the first, or mental, creation. Beginning with the End in Mind is about vision. Habit 3 is the second creation, the physical creation. This habit is where Habits 1 and 2 come together. It happens day in and day out, moment-by-moment. It deals with many of the questions addressed in the field of time management. However, habit 3 is about life management as well--your purpose, values, roles, and priorities. What are "first things?" First things are those things you, personally, assign the greatest value. If you put first things first, you are organizing and managing time and events according to the personal priorities you established in Habit 2.

Habit 4: Think win-win
Think Win-Win isn't about being nice, nor is it a quick-fix technique. It is a character-based code for human interaction and collaboration. Most of us learn to base our self-worth on comparisons and competition. We think about succeeding in terms of someone else failing--that is, if I win, you lose; or if you win, I lose. Life becomes a zero-sum game. We all play the success game, which in the end no one really wins. Win-win sees life as a cooperative arena, not a competitive one. Win-win is a frame of mind and heart that constantly seeks mutual benefit in all human interactions. Win-win means agreements or solutions are mutually beneficial and satisfying.

Habit 5: Highly effective people seek first to understand, then to be understood
Communication is the most important skill in life. In order to be effective, communication has to be two-way. That is, you must be able to effectively listen as well as speak. You spend years learning how to read and write, and years learning how to speak. But what about listening? What training have you had that enables you to listen so that you really understand the other person? Most people seek first to be understood. In doing so, they may ignore the other person completely, pretend that they're listening, selectively hear only certain parts of the conversation or attentively focus on only the words being said, but miss the meaning entirely. This happens because most people listen with the intent to reply, not to understand.  They wait and listen for the person to take a breath so that they can interject what they want to say. Highly effective people do just the opposite. They listen to the other person carefully to understand what they think or feel before attempting to get them to understand what they are thinking and feeling.

Habit 6: Highly effective people synergize
Synergize is the habit of creative cooperation, teamwork and the adventure of finding new solutions to old problems. Synergy doesn't just happen on its own. It's a process, and through that process, people bring all their personal experience and expertise to the table. Together, they can produce far better results that they could individually; two heads are better than one. Synergy lets us discover jointly things we are much less likely to discover by ourselves. It is the idea that the whole is greater than the sum of the parts. One plus one equals three, or six, or sixty. When people begin to interact together genuinely, and they're open to each other's influence, they begin to gain new insight. The capability of inventing new approaches is increased exponentially because of differences. Valuing differences is what really drives synergy. Do you truly value the mental, emotional, and psychological differences of other people? Or do you wish everyone would just agree with you so you could all get along? Many people mistake uniformity for unity or sameness for oneness. One word--boring! Highly effective people see differences as strengths, not weaknesses.

Habit 7: Sharpen the saw
Sharpen the Saw means enhancing your greatest asset --you. It means having a balanced program for renewing yourself in the four areas of your life: physical, social/emotional, mental, and spiritual. As you renew yourself in each of these areas, you create growth and change in your life. Sharpen the Saw keeps you fresh so you can continue to practice the other six habits. You increase your capacity to produce and handle the challenges around you. Without renewal, the body becomes weak, the mind mechanical, the emotions raw, the spirit insensitive, and the person selfish.

Monday, March 5, 2012

How to Keep Up with the Kardashians

Has your mom or dad ever said Money doesn’t grow on trees? Well, the Kardashians prove that money actually DOES grow on trees. It grows on the family tree.

If you examine the promises of wealth in the bible, you will find those promises were always fulfilled within the context of family.

Observe the practices of Fortune 500 corporations you will see that they are organized like a family and operate on the very same principles that led bible families to become wealthy. Money is a currency designed to flow to organizations and people that operate on the structure and principles of a stable family.

Watch the Kardashian family closely and you will see that Bruce and Kris Kardashian-Jenner have organized their family like bible families thus it naturally produces wealth. Regardless of what those who loathe the Kardashians may think about them, they accumulate wealth without doing harm to others. Through the abilities of their marketing maven mom the Kardashian women are organized to prosper therefore they prosper.

How do these ladies receive more opportunities than all other beautiful women who are trying to gain notoriety based on their beauty? Besides the marketing genius of their mom, the Kardashian women have a dad who tours the country teaching others how to find the champion within and how to overcome their inner competitor. Bruce shows people how to live from the inside out rather than the outside in. Overcome the competitor inside, he says, and the detractors outside won’t stand a chance. His girls have found their inner champion and overcome their inner competitor. They rise above other women in the beauty and fashion industry because they never compete with them.

The Kardashian women do not compete with anyone and they do not wait to be given opportunities. They go about the business of being who they are in the power of their collective spirit and utilize the GOD given knowledge, gifts, talents and abilities of each person in the family effectively. The Kaardashians achieve their wealth by simply operating in spiritual power and properly utilizing the currency of their gifts and abilities.

Regardless of what you think about the Kardashians they have a winning formula for becoming wealthy. In order to keep up with the Kardashians you must use the power of your inner being and develop a means to receive the full value of your gifts, talents and abilities. Keeping up with the Kardashians requires organizing your life and operating on the principles that led bible families to become wealthy.

Eliminate negative thoughts from your mind about wealth, the wealthy and learn to think like wealthy people think. You must find your inner champion and overcome your internal competitor.

Keeping up with the Kardashians means you never compete against others by “striving” for success. Pursue excellence while marketing your gifts and abilities and you will receive Kardashian like wealth and opportunities.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Utilizing the Power of GOD in Business

Bishop T.D. Jakes, Senior Pastor of the Potter’s House Church in Dallas, TX offered these words of instruction and comfort to those who are struggling to achieve their desires:

“Have you felt you were on the verge of something phenomenal, that you were waiting for that particular breakthrough that seemed to be taunting you by making you wait? All of us have faced days that seemed as though God had forgotten us. Patience gets a workout when God’s answer is no answer. In other words, God’s answer is not always yes or no; sometimes He says, “Not now!”

The primary reason GOD will say "not now" when you want to have or do something is simply because it is not DO time. “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due (do) time (1 Peter 5:6).” This scripture is a great life lesson for those who have a strong desire in their heart to do something, like building a business, but are struggling to get the help or recognition they need from GOD.

Two thirds of GOD’s name spelled forward is GO and two thirds of GOD’s name spelled backward is DO. Every instruction from GOD contains the components: GO and DO. The reason you were given life is because GOD needed you to GO and DO something that only YOU can do. HE placed a strong desire to do it in your heart and sent you here to get it done. If GOD sent you to do something, HE is going to give you all the power and provision you need to successfully complete that mission. If you feel like you have the provision (knowledge, gift, talent or ability) to “make” it happen but do not feel like you are getting the support of GOD’s power, it is simply because it is not the right time. You can have the provision and the power to do a thing but timing is everything. This is why you must be humble and wait.

Contrary to contemporary religious understanding, the word “humble” does not mean to make yourself appear to be lowly or pious. It means “to put aside what YOU want to do and do what GOD would have you to do.” Again, GOD sent you here to “do” something. HE placed that desire in your heart (Psalm 37:4). However, there is an appointed time for you to do it that will be right to achieve the success that you want (Psalm 37:5-7). You may want to run out and “make it happen” in YOUR time, when YOU feel it is right, but GOD has an appointed time. Therefore, it is critical to the completion or fulfillment of your LIFE mission that you put aside what you want to do and WAIT until GOD releases you to do it.

While you are waiting for GOD to release you HE will be hiding you under HIS mighty hand. This waiting period is what I call “the mean time”. While you are waiting it will seem like GOD is being mean. It will seem like all the negative forces in the world are coming against you. The fact is, they are! That is because they have heard you “speak” your desire into the universe and are trying to stop you. So, in the mean time, while you are waiting for GOD to release you, remain pregnant with the expectation of what you want GOD to do for you.

Now, when a woman is expecting a child does she just sit around and wait for the baby to come? No, she gets busy preparing for the baby’s arrival. The word “wait” actually means to “serve” like a waiter in a restaurant. Ergo, “in the mean time”, as you WAIT on GOD, be busy serving GOD in preparation of your expectation. At the appointed time, GOD will exalt or lift you into the light to DO what HE created you to do.

“And he [Jesus] said unto them: How is it that you sought me? Didn’t you know that I must be about my Father's business (Luke 2:49)?”

The thing you were sent in the earth or given birth to do has two applications: fulfillment of created purpose and creation of successful business. This is why a man like TD Jakes is able to fulfill his created purpose as a preacher and utilize the same power that GOD gave him to preach to operate “several” successful businesses.

In order to raise up a powerful business you must raise capital to both make it grow and to fight off your competitors. Think of dollars as the soldiers in your army. The key to eliminating you as a competitor is to kill your business while it is weak, still a baby or undercapitalized. This is why GOD had to hide Jesus in Egypt until He was strong enough to stand on His own. Thus, you must “build your army in secret”. While Bishop Jakes was preaching and writing books he had the desire in his heart to make a movie but he had to keep that quiet. The Hollywood gatekeepers would have used the power in their dollars to keep him from entering that arena. Therefore, he quietly amassed an army of dollars to both develop and defend his movies.

Building your army in secret means to raise up a cadre of dollars or enough capital to become strong. Business is an Art of War! War is about capturing territory and eliminating the enemy. Business is about capturing market share by eliminating the competition. Thus, you must build an army to defend your business before your competitors realize you are there and recognize that you have already captured a part of their market share. They will see you there but will blow you off as insignificant until they realize that you have become a major force in the market. By then it will be too late for them to try to defeat you economically without taking food out of the mouths of their family.

GOD hid David out among the sheep. Goliath had no clue who David was until his head was coming off. GOD will hide you until HE is ready for you to do something powerful too. Therefore, if it feels like GOD is saying no to your desire or is not helping you: humble yourself under the mighty hand of GOD and HE will exalt you in DO time.

Concepts like these on how to become wealthy using the Power of GOD in business are explained more fully in my book Money Does Grow on Trees at

Friday, March 2, 2012

Accede, Exceed or Succeed?

Most people seek to achieve their dreams by building their plans on a paradigm of success. Their ultimate goal is to rise to the top. Thus they embark on a pursuit of success without realizing that the process of that pursuit is a false paradigm that serves to keep them trapped in a paradox. Striving for success keeps us stuck at the same level with those we are striving against. Rather than striving to succeed we must seek to accede or exceed.

The true meaning of the word “succeed” is to be allowed to move in the place of or to replace another.

The base word “cede” means to yield, assign, transfer or grant permission. The prefix “suc” means to follow after. A person can not succeed therefore until someone else moves and they are given permission to take their position.

The word accede on the other hand means to move into position on one’s own, with the aid of others or by divine power. Exceed, by contrast, means to be greater than or superior to; to extend beyond one’s limitations; to predominate, surpass or transcend all others by physical or metaphysical power, gifts, talents or abilities.

Those who “strive” to succeed place themselves in a fight for occupied positions and must either wait until the occupant moves or they must force them out.

Rather than striving to succeed those who want to fulfill their dreams, without regard to whoever may be occupying that position, must seek to accede or exceed.

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